Love Every Moment
〔GAIQ〕초보자용 구글 애널리틱스 자격증 강의 요약 (3) + 합격 본문
1. 마케팅 캠페인(Marketing Campaign)
- Text, Banners, SNS ads
- Marketing campaigns are tracked in GA through campagin tagging
- Campaings tags are extra bits of information that you add to the URL links
- These include tracking parameters followed by equal sign and the single word or hyphen
- Required campaign tags: Medium, Source, Campaign
- Optional campaign tags: Content, Term
(1) 미디엄(Medium)
- Communicates the mechanism or how you send your message to users
- email, cpc, social
(2) 소스(Source)
- Communitcates where the user came from
- If medium is was 'cpc', the source might be 'google' or 'yahoo'
(3) 캠페인(Campaign)
- ex. '2015-holiday-sale'
(4) 내용(Content)
- Useful when you compare two news letters
(5) 용어(Term)
- Used to identify the keywords for paid search campaign
캠페인 매개변수를 URL 에 추가할 때에 공백(space)는 사용할 수 없다 (예: utm_campaign = fall sale)
자동 태그 추가 기능은 구글 애즈 태그를 캠페인 URL 에 추가한다.
2. Tracking campaings with URL builder
- When you name a tag, it's better to use one word.
- You can build only one URL at a time.
- When you have a large campaing, use spreadsheet rather than making each of it.
- It's a good idea to test every URL you created.
URL 작성 도구(URL Builder): 캠페인 태그를 빠르게 생성할 때에 사용하는 도구
3. How to set up goals in Analytics
- Business Goals: Conversion ex) signing up a newsletter, buying a product
- Google Analytics Goals: Goal / Conversion Rate
- Each goal uses a particular slot ID
- What are required to set up a goal?
(1) Goal Names
(2) Goal Types
(3) Goal Slot ID
구글 애널리틱스 목표 설정의 예시: 구매 증대, 뉴스레터 구독, 연락처 정보 양식 제출
4. How to use Analytics with Google Ads
- Text ads: Show up next to Goggle Search results
- Display ads: Can contain text, images, video
- They can bid on keywords like 't-shirt', 'shirt'
- When you link your Google Ads account and Google Analytics account, you can view click of ads
Behavior - Side Content - All pages - User Type - New User: 새로운 사용자가 많이 방문한 페이지 파악
Behavior - Landing Pages - Sort by Bounce Rate: 이탈률이 높은 페이지 파악
Acquision Report - Campaigns - All Campaings - Add Secondary Dimension 'Mobile Devices'
컴퓨터 코딩 프로그래밍
'CERTIFICATE > Google Analytics' 카테고리의 다른 글
〔GAIQ〕초보자용 구글 애널리틱스 자격증 강의 요약 (2) (0) | 2021.04.23 |
〔GAIQ〕초보자용 구글 애널리틱스 자격증 강의 요약 (1) (0) | 2021.04.22 |